Student who have completed their courses with certain averages are entitled to graduate with honors subject to other condition as follows:

   Baccalaureate Courses
   Summa Cum Laude........................... 1.0  - 1.25
   Magna Cum Laude ........................... 1.26 - 1.5
   Cum Laude            ..........................  1.51 - 1.75

   Two-Year Course
   Highest Honors      ...........................  1.0  - 1.25
   High Honors           ........................... 1.26 - 1.5
   With Honors           ..........................  1.51 - 1.75

   Candidates for honors must have completed all requirements for graduation and must have at least two years school residence.

   For the computation of the final averages, credits shall be included from the first year up to the last curriculum year.

   He/She must be a regular student and has no grade lower than 2.0 in any subject prescribed in the curriculum.

   Any student who has been found with any misdemeanor in school or elsewhere is barred from graduation with honors.


The awards for Outstanding On-The-Job Training is conferred to a graduate who has distinguished himself in the On-The-Job Training program.

   Student Leadership is bestowed on the graduate who has shown sincerity, dedication and distinguishing leadership throughout his college year.

   Well-Discipline is awarded to the graduate who has shown exceptional punctuality, attendance and promptness in submission of requirements and obediance to the school rules and regulations.

   Service Award is given to the graduates who has shown remarkable self-inititative and notable cooperation in any school endeavors/undertakings bringing about school improvement.