The Aeronautical Academy of the Philippines grants Entrance scholarship to all deserving student applicants provided that they fall under the following categories:

  • Applicant student have graduated Valedictorian and/or Salutatorian of his class.
  • Upon enrolment, applicants for scholarship should have earned 26 units (5 major subjects) unless the curriculum requirements provides otherwise.
  • Candidates for scholarship must apply in writing to the Course Director through the Class Adviser before enrolment, stating therein his/her intension, credentials and grades.
  • The Course director shall pass on all Scholarship application to the Advisory Committee, through the School Secretary, for proper disposition.
  • One (1) semester FULL shcolarship is given to a student who obtains a weighted average of 95% and above in the AAP Entrance Examination.
  • Regular students who obtains an accumulated average of 1.2 is entitled to a full scholarship of the following semester, provided that he/she has no grade lower than 2.0